Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Writing is Rewriting

In the battle of 'Write what you know' vs. 'To know is that you know nothing' which write is right? If I can only write what I seemingly don't know then I end up in an empty space!

Here is my blog re-write. This will be my last post on thedarlingview. I'm not giving up just trying something new. I found that my favorite piece that I've done all summer (for those of you who don't know I've been writing loads of journalistic articles all summer long) (I'm not tooting my own horn because not many of them were published) I realized that my favorite one I did was the 'Revelations in a Cop Car.' Where I got to fully step into someone else's life and learn about who they are. So, I plan on making this my writing career, at least for a little while.

The new blog is There's nothing posted on it YET but will soon be filled with stories from people of all ages. The premise of the blog is this:

Everyone is a legend. We all have had experiences in our lives that have changed us. If you had one chance to leave one story behind what would you tell? I've VERY excited about this new venture and where it might lead!

Thank you all for your faithful visits to this site and hope you find my next blog to be even better. If I could leave you with my final last words and advice it would be this, Run mad as often as you choose, but do not faint.

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